

Tu znajdziesz różne programiki mojej produkcji w kategorii: net-misc (Usługi i narzędzia sieciowe).

Narzędzia i usługi sieciowe dla każdego. ;)

bnetproxy: BattleNet proxy

Daemon to proxy Starcraft connections to BattleNet. When installed on NAT-box it would act as a BNet server to local clients, and forward connections to configured master server.

TODO: SOCKS5 support

TODO: MAKE IT WORK - everything it needs is to properly mangle UDP packets passing through the proxy. The packets have some kind of checksum I had no time to investigate.

irssi-scripts: [bez tytułu]

[brak opisu]

sharescanner: Simple FTP/SMB scanning engine

PERL module for building simple FTP/SMB share scanning scripts. Includes support for robots exclusion scripts (robots.txt) in both FTP and SMB shares.